Chronicles of One Telaran : Shadefallen TowersChronicles of One Telaran : Shadefallen Towers

Caedryn the Dwarf returns this week with tales of his adventures at Shadefallen Towers. What’d he find? Read on to find out!
Anyway, Shadefallen Towers. But of a tricky location that. Huge. And absolutely swarming with cultists armed with guns, ghosts that want to eat your soul, walking skeletons, and not to mention the Iron Pine Butcher himself. (A real nasty piece of work, and no mistake.) Now, I’m going to save you all a bit of time here. Because there are a lot of things to fight in this area. I spent an hour infiltrating the camp, sneaking behind barricades, around buildings and tents, leaping out from behind rocks and taking the enemy down with silent kills, then skulking even further into enemy territory, thinking I must be near the Butcher by now, only to step through another tunnel and find this waiting before me.