Guildwars 2 disciplines An Introduction to Crafting

I always thought that crafting in games was reserved for the strict uber nerds that play an MMO virtually 24/7, that is until Guildwars 2 came into my life and made it accessible and fun to try…or perhaps I’ve just become an uber nerd myself…either way, I have attempted to explain how it all works below, in the hope that you will give it a go, let me know how you get on!
Guildwars 2 Crafting Guide
Choose 2 disciplines.

There are 8 crafting professions to choose from, you may train in 2 at any given time. If you want to change one of the 2, you can pay a master craftsman to switch, at a cost of 10 copper per level in the target discipline. Taking on a new discipline is always free, while switching back to a maxed discipline (at Level 400) costs 40 silver.

These 8 break down into 4 categories, you can make armour, weapons, accessories and food. The armour and weapon professions each contain 3 disciplines which are based on the different character classes in the For weapons, you can be an artificer that makes staves, OR a weaponsmith that makes daggers, or both, but that would use up your 2 spots.

Here’s a rundown;

Armorsmiths craft heavy armor  (Used by Guardians & Warriors)
Leatherworkers craft medium armor  (Used by Engineers, Rangers & Thieves)
Tailors craft light armor  (Used by Elementalists, Mesmers and Necromancers)
Weaponsmiths craft melee weapons and shields  (Axes, daggers, greatswords, hammers, maces, shields, spears, swords)
Huntsmen craft projectile weapons and off-hand utility items  (Harpoon guns, longbows, pistols, rifles , shortbows, torches, and warhorns)
Artificers craft magical weapons  (Focus, staves, scepters, and tridents)
Chefs craft food which can be consumed by any profession and offers temporary buffs and bonuses.
Jewelers craft Jewelry  (Earrings, necklaces, and rings) which can be worn in a character’s accessory slots.

So with each character you may chooses 2 of these to level up, most people go for the weapon type and armour that they use, so that they can make themselves some cool stuff! I, being the slightly odd person that I am, opted for jeweller and chef. (I dabbled in making armour, but actually found it rather boring, and decided I would experiment with food instead…short attention span you see, and being part of a guild means I can give a guild member materials to craft weapons for me!)